Electric forklift battery maintenance main points

Time: 2022-10-26



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(1) In order to ensure the battery life, the battery should be sufficient before use. Do not use the battery with insufficient charging.

(2) The battery should avoid excessive charging and excessive discharge. Excessive charging and excessive discharge of batteries will seriously affect the performance and service life of the battery.

(3) The battery liquid holes and the gas cover should be kept clean. When charging, remove or open it. The surface of the battery, the connection cable and the screw should be kept clean and dry. Put it with a cotton gauze with the alkaline fluid. Be careful not to let the alkali liquid enter the battery.

Electric forklift battery maintenance points

(4) After the charging is completed, the battery liquid level should be checked and the distilled water should be added in time to maintain the height of the liquid surface. Under normal circumstances, it is strictly forbidden to supplement.

(5) After the battery is used, it should be charged in time. The placement time generally does not exceed 24 hours.

(6) Maintain good ventilation when charging, and it is strictly forbidden to fireworks.

battery balanced charging

(7) The following situation occurs, and the battery needs to be balanced charging:

A. The battery used normally is charged every 3 months.

B. Hanging unused batteries for a long time.

C. There are "backward batteries" in the battery pack (backward battery refers to the voltage value in the charging and discharge process lower than other batteries or batteries that have been repaired due to faults). At this time, the balanced charging is only performed alone on the backward battery.

(8) Balanced charging method:

A. First of all, normal charging.

B. When supplementing the state of sufficient power, stop charging for 1 hour, and then charge with 0.25i5 for 1 hour.

C. Repeat several times according to Article 2 until the charger is closed, and the bubbles in the battery occur in the battery.

Electric forklift battery

(9) When the battery is not used, the storage period is one month, and the power replenishment needs to be performed according to the normal charging method.

(10) The battery should avoid direct sunlight, not less than 2 meters away from the heat source.

(11) Avoid contact with any liquid and harmful substances, no metal impurities must not fall into the battery.

Tags: Electric forklift battery  Electric forklift battery maintenance 

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